In this sequel to The Flame of Thika, Elspeth Huxley takes up her story after the family returns to Kenya after the First World War. ' The Times 'What a marvellous writer. ' Financial Times
- | By (Author): Elspeth Huxley
- | Series:
- | Publisher: Vintage
- | Publication Date: May 06, 1999
- | Country of Publication: United Kingdom
- | Number of Pages: 336 pages
- | Language: Not available
- | Binding: Paperback|Softback
- | ISBN-10: 0712674551
- | ISBN-13: 9780712674553
- By (Author):
- Elspeth Huxley
- Publisher:
- Vintage
- Publication Date:
- May 06, 1999
- Country of Publication:
- United Kingdom
- Number of pages:
- 336 pages
- Binding:
- Paperback|Softback
- Language:
- Not available
- ISBN-13:
- 9780712674553