The Nkjv, Open Bible, Leathersoft, Brown, Thumb Indexed, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Complete Reference System
Thomas Nelson Publishers
The Open Bible is the ultimate reference Bible, offering clean and easy navigation through Scripture. This Bible's complete reference system includes the leading topical index showing with over 8,000 names, places, events, and doctrines, as well as thorough book introductions and outlines to provide the purpose and context for the message.
- | By (Author): Thomas Nelson
- | Series:
- | Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers
- | Publication Date: May 16, 2019
- | Country of Publication: United States
- | Number of Pages: 1856 pages
- | Language: Not available
- | Binding: Leather | Fine Binding
- | ISBN-10: 0007233485
- | ISBN-13: 9780785222392
- By (Author):
- Thomas Nelson
- Publisher:
- Thomas Nelson Publishers
- Publication Date:
- May 16, 2019
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Number of pages:
- 1856 pages
- Binding:
- Leather | Fine Binding
- Language:
- Not available
- ISBN-13:
- 9780785222392