From the sources of the Fleet in Hampstead's ponds to the mouth of the Effra in Vauxhall, via the meander of the Westbourne through 'Knight's Bridge' and the Tyburn's curve along Marylebone Lane, this title unearths the hidden waterways that flow beneath the streets of London.
- | By (Author): Paul Talling
- | Publisher: Cornerstone
- | Publication Date: May 05, 2011
- | Country of Publication: United Kingdom
- | Number of Pages: 192 pages
- | Language: Unknown
- | Binding: Softback
- | ISBN-10: 184794597X
- | ISBN-13: 9781847945976
- By (Author):
- Paul Talling
- Publisher:
- Cornerstone
- Publication Date:
- May 05, 2011
- Country of Publication:
- United Kingdom
- Language:
- Unknown
- Number of pages:
- 192 pages
- Binding:
- Softback
- ISBN-10:
- 184794597X
- ISBN-13:
- 9781847945976