BoBo is an orphaned baby elephant who lives in a Sanctuary in Kenya. His new best friend, Iris, a wise Egret, teaches him how to survive and thrive in his new elephant family.
- | By (Author): Celia Straus
- | Publisher: Leschenault Press
- | Publication Date: Nov 01, 2021
- | Country of Publication: Australia
- | Number of Pages: 34 pages
- | Language: Unknown
- | Binding: Softback
- | ISBN-10: 1922670081
- | ISBN-13: 9781922670083
- By (Author):
- Celia Straus
- Publisher:
- Leschenault Press
- Publication Date:
- Nov 01, 2021
- Country of Publication:
- Australia
- Language:
- Unknown
- Number of pages:
- 34 pages
- Binding:
- Softback
- ISBN-10:
- 1922670081
- ISBN-13:
- 9781922670083